ICNLP 2020

2020 2nd International Conference on Natural Language Processingwas was held during July 11-13 virtually as planned. We are grateful for your patience and support with the challenge of transforming our canceled onsite Annual Meeting into a new opportunity. The success of our virtual conference will depend on all of us working together and creating a common space – and purpose – as we build a dynamic, interactive, and inclusive conference.

Prof. Everett X. Wang
Guangdong University of Technology, China  

Prof. Ruolun Liu
Shandong University, China

Prof. Robert Minasian
The University of Sydney, Australia
Title: Progress in Photonic Signal Processing

Session Photo

Best Presentation Award of ICNLP 2020


Session 1: Digital Image Analysis and Processing

Roman Dremliuga

Far Eastern Federal University, Russia

DeepFake Detection Algorithms: A Meta-Analysis


Session 2:  Computer Science and Intelligent Computing

Yuanfa Zhu

Guangdong University of Technology, China

Joint Opinion Target and Target-oriented Opinion Words Extraction by BERT and IOT Model


Session 3:  Modern Information Theory and Signal Processing

Haotong WANG

Waseda University, Japan

Typicality of Lexical Bundles in Different Sections of Scientific Articles


Session 4:  Intelligent Identification Technology and Application

Linjia Sun

Beijing Language and Culture University, China

Automatic Language Identification using Suprasegmental Feature and Supervised Topic Model